To: All Represented BMRF/B&P Employees
The NLRB Has Scheduled an Election!
For the past few weeks, the Company has worked with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on giving you the right to vote. Today, the NLRB’s Regional Director approved an election agreement setting the details for a mail-in secret ballot election to determine if our employees wish to be represented by the USW Local 13-243 (sample ballot card below).
Q: How will the election be conducted (in-person or mail-in ballot)? When will the election start?
The election will be conducted by United States mail. The mail ballots will be mailed to wage employees by the NLRB on Friday, November 12, 2021. You will have the opportunity to vote in secret from your home. No one will know how you vote unless you tell them.
Q: What is the deadline for employees to return their mail-in ballots to the NLRB?
Mail ballots must be returned to the NLRB Regional office by close of business on Wednesday, December 22, 2021.
Q: What should I do if I don’t get a ballot?
If you don’t get a ballot soon after November 12, 2021, you should contact the NLRB regional office to request a new one.
Q: What should I do between now and the date I receive my ballot?
We believe voters should get as much information as possible so you can make an informed choice on whether you want to decertify the Union. Unlike other votes you may have witnessed or heard about involving the Union, the decertification election will be conducted by the NLRB, a government agency whose job is to make sure decertification elections are conducted honestly and in secret. Please make sure your voice is heard – plan to vote and mail your ballot back to the NLRB shortly after you receive it.
Any questions related to the employee led decertification effort can be submitted to Beaumont Area HR Department at Beaumont.Area.HR@exxonmobil.com.