To: All Represented BMRF/B&P Employees
As you were informed in our October 14 Decertification Update, the Company is working with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to schedule an election to determine if employees at the Beaumont Refinery and Blending & Packaging Plant will continue to be represented by the USW. We expect that the election will be conducted through a mail-in ballot. To conduct this vote, the NLRB will mail a package (including a secret ballot) to each bargaining unit employee’s home address.
If your address has changed and you have not already informed the Company, please notify the Beaumont Area HR Department by sending an email to Beaumont.Area.HR@exxonmobil.com by Monday, October 25 at 5:00 PM. This email should include your name, prior address, and new address.