To: All Represented BMRF/B&P Employees
Consistent with Decertification Update – December 29, 2021, the mail-in ballots have been impounded and will not be counted until further notice. Since the ballots were impounded, the Company has been informed that the decertification petition has garnered additional signatures and is approaching the 50% threshold. As a result, we have received a number of questions regarding potential withdrawal of recognition scenarios. Specifically, our employees have asked, “what would happen if the Company withdrew recognition from the Union after the majority of employees signed the decertification petition, but the NLRB later counted the ballots and employees had voted to keep the Union?”
As we have stated several times, if the majority of employees sign the decertification petition, the Company will withdraw recognition from the USW immediately even if ballots are impounded. The Company would aggressively defend that position should there be any challenge to the NLRB.
Any questions related to the employee led decertification effort can be submitted to Beaumont Area HR Department at Beaumont.Area.HR@exxonmobil.com.