To: All BMRF/B&P Employees
Re: March 5 Lump Sum Deadline & March 12 Offer Expiration
We are issuing this Employee Information Bulletin in response to employee inquiries regarding the timing and deadlines associated with the Company’s February 18 offer.
Consistent with prior communications, on February 18, the Company issued a revised offer to the United Steelworker’s Local 13-243. This offer is valid through March 12 at 8:00 PM and is substantively identical to the Company’s January 31 last, best, and final offer with two exceptions related to the timing of wage increases and the lump sum ratification bonus (details included in the attached EIB).
As you are aware, our February 18 offer states that all active Union-represented employees will receive a $1000 ratification bonus if the Union provides notice of ratification prior to March 5 at 8:00 PM. Including today, the Union has 9 days to ratify the Company’s current offer before the Company withdraws the ratification bonus.
The Company considered plant restart efforts as a factor that could potentially impact the timing of a ratification vote prior to the administration of the current offer. Consequently, we provided the Union with a lengthy window of opportunity to bring this offer to our employees for a ratification vote. The current offer will expire in its entirety in 16 days. If the offer expires without a ratification, the Company will continue to fulfill its legal obligations; however, future offers may not be as lucrative as the current offer.
While the Company would prefer to avoid a work stoppage of any kind, we will also remind our employees that on February 15 the Union issued a 75-Day Strike Notice to the Company. After which, the Company issued to the Union a 75-Day Notice of an April 30, 2021 Lockout.
It is our sincere hope that a work stoppage can be avoided and this offer will be ratified prior to expiration. We would encourage all interested employees to contact their Union leadership and demand to vote.