To: All BMRF/B&P Employees
The purpose of this note is to provide a brief status update regarding contract negotiations between the Company and the United Steel Worker’s Local 13-243.
As we have previously communicated, on January 31, the Company provided the Union with its last, best, and final offer to settle all outstanding bargaining items (details included in the attached EIB). While the Company’s offer recognizes the current market environment, the Company believes that it is pro-employee. In a year in which the salaried workforce will generally not be eligible for increases, this offer provides guaranteed increases to the majority of the Beaumont Refinery workforce. Additionally, through the renewal of the National Oil Bargaining Pattern Job Security Side Letter, this offer creates assurances of employment for our Union-represented employees for the next three years. The Company is confident, if ratified, this offer will advance the competitive position of our site within the oil and gas industry (both at the Refinery and LOBP).
The Company’s offer is valid through February 15; however, at this point in time, the Workmen’s Committee has not yet communicated whether they intend to bring this offer to our employees for a ratification vote. We find this to be disheartening. We have communicated to the Union leadership repeatedly that our January 31 offer presented what we believe is the best available proposal resulting from negotiations. If the offer expires without ratification, we will continue to fulfill any bargaining obligations; however, future offers may not be as lucrative as the current offer.
It is the Company’s sincere hope that this offer will be ratified prior to expiration; furthermore, we would encourage all interested employees to contact their Union leadership and request a vote.